That title couldn't be more true. Ya'll know how I always aim for honesty here. You are in for one exciting read folks. Um, okay that was total hyperbole, but I just wanted to be able to use the word hyperbole so I'm happy. I'm sure ya'll are too, right?
As my church buddies know, I unfortunately came down with the flu on Friday night. I was sick all day Saturday and Sunday. I missed church on Easter Sunday; which if my body aches weren't so bad, I would say was the worst part. But, seriously, I've never ached like that in my life....and don't wish to ever again. You know, now that I think about it, the worst part was the time and energy I spent trying to coordinate our outfits so we could get a new family picture for the blog. UUGGH. Oh well, you may just see us in a repeat Sunday, so we can finally get a more recent shot of all of us. I've never been a flu shot kind of girl, but next year, I might think twice. Anyhow, other than my regular allergy issues I'm all better now.
Let's see. Bryce received a red stripe for his white belt in karate tonight. Apparently, he will earn two more stripes on his belt before he is eligible for his orange belt. Again, can I just say that we are so pleased. I would highly recommend this to anyone. Except, I would say that I might wait a little longer. If you wait until your kids are 12 or so, you could take lessons with them and be in the same class. I'm kinda wishing we would've done that. Oh well, maybe I'll learn something through osmosis.
He has also begun T-Ball. And now that I've finally laid eyes on my digital camera again, you might just see some shots of his practices. He has played the last two years and has really liked it. He has done well in practice and I have visions of me making a fool of myself in the stands somewhere in the near future. Stay tuned, if you're lucky Brad will capture that on film.
Tomorrow, I will be registering Bryce for Kindergarten. HOLY COW! His Pre-K teacher assures me that he is very ready. She had a lot of nice things to say about him at our parent-teacher conference. It's me I'm worried about.
Sara Kate is doing It was her lovely little self that gave me the flu. She came down with it last Monday night, and bless her heart it really knocked her out for a day or two, but then she felt fine, just had a fever for several more days. She seems to be great now.
On the way down, Brad & I switched. He got the over zealous Gigi, and I got Sara Kate. I had to carry her on the steep parts, but she held her own on the flatter areas. I must say, I kept uttering prayers of survival under my breath. I could just see us getting tangled in the dog's leash and toppling down the mountain. Alas, the Lord doth provide and we made it safe & sound. Boy, those kids love a good hike!!
Well, I stayed true to my word.....a little bit of everything, all about nothing. Hope you enjoyed it. I've got a couple of other posts brewing......stay tuned!
Aww... I hate that you were sick all Easter weekend! :( But, glad that you are feeling better now. That stuff has really made the rounds this year, hasn't it? (I think I heard somewhere they guessed the vaccine wrong this year anyway... so don't know if your odds would have been much better had you gone with the shot. Of course, I am 'anti-needles'. :)
Great pics of the kids! They both look so grown in that picture sitting on the rock together. So sweet.
Looking forward to the brewing posts!
Wow, we love to hike, least Ken and I do. We've definitely done the pocket before. Enjoy it now, because when they get older they say, "hiking? Why? Can't we go to the mall? or somewhere-anywhere else? the bookstore?" We MAKE them hike now.
love you,
Glad you are feeling better! Way to go Bryce!!! We are really proud of you!!!
I LOVED hearing about 'everything and nothing' all at the same time!! The pictures are great and the kids DO look so grown up on the rock. We will have to try that hiking thing. I think the kids would like it.
I am so glad you are feeling better! We REALLY missed you on Sunday. I now have STREP and feel miserable. So, I am going back to bed. I got up long enough to 'check out the blogs' of my girls and now I am heading back to bed... praying for a better day tomorrow!
Looking forward to those brewing posts! :)
Love you,
I am so glad you are feeling better. The flu thing is awful! This is my first time blogging and I am having so much fun. Your pictures are so precious. I hope to learn how to upload so I can put some new ones on our blog. Thanks for the encouraging words. You have been so sweet! Thank you again for the wonderful supper. Love ya, Angela
Thanks for the post. I will have to lookup that site and add it to my repertoire. I think my spiritual gift is transparency haha. I have no shame.
nice update! I didn't know you were a closet karate alluding to wishing you had the ability to be in the class with Bryce...that is great!
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