Thursday, October 23, 2008

What was I thinking?

Yet again, I have willingly subjected and enrolled my son in a sport that requires that he wear more in protective equipment than he actually weighs. Well, maybe that is a slight exaggeration, but it sure doesn't seem like it.  

Now that he is a yellow belt in Karate, they have begun sparring and using nun chucks. So, again I'm starting to question my sanity for thinking it was a good idea to give a 6 year old a about mass poor house will likely never be the same. The only consolation is the nun chucks are foam. If not, I feel certain that at least one person in the family would be seriously injured. As it stands, maybe the foam ones will only leave bruises. So, if you see Sara Kate with a nice shiner; chances are it will be compliments of her brother. Hopefully, the new "nun chucks are only for karate class" rule that was recently passed in the Farmer household will be heeded.

By the way, if you have an itch to witness some chaos, try observing a karate class when the instructor is introducing nun chucks to a class of about 10 or so kids for the first time.    Can you say occupational hazard?  Just watching was worth the price of admission.  Nun chucks were flying in the air and landing on the ground so quick it would make your head spin.  Good times!

One more thing, I purchased all the suggested gear, but judging from the picture it looks to me like there is one very important piece of protection needed...............I'm just sayin'

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Monster Bash

A few weeks ago we decided to join the Children's Museum in Chattanooga. We usually try to become a member of something fun each year to have something to do with the kids. We try to change it up each year. One year it was the zoo, one year it was the aquarium, and this year it was the Creative Discovery Museum. I've heard that their birthday parties are fun & reasonable and with SK's coming up, our decision was easy.

We got lucky and joined at the right time, just before their annual Monster Bash. It's the museum's version of a fall festival. The kids come all dressed up in their costumes and get to do fun activities all through out the museum. They got to see a magic show, paint pumpkins, go through a hay maze, roast marshmallows, pet live snakes and bugs, make crafts, dance, etc. But probably most importantly.....collect candy. So, you get the idea. The best part was that it is free to members.

Here's some pictures of the Monster Bash and also from when we went earlier.

In the middle of the atrium they had a 'dance party'. It was really cute. Through out the night, they had the kids dancing and doing a conga line and the limbo. Of course, Sara Kate decided to 'cut a rug' with "the burger king." I thought it was worth sharing.

Monday, October 13, 2008

What a Weekend

This past weekend my sister and nieces came in town for a visit. They haven't been up since July so we had a lot of family fun to accomplish. It worked out perfectly, because it was also Fall Break, so we had a little extra time to cram everything in.

Friday we loaded the kids up and went to the pumpkin patch in Dawsonville. The ride to get there was almost as fun as the patch itself. I won't explain why, there are no words; although I bet mom could think of several. Anyway, after we got finished with the obligatory photo shoot, we picked out pumpkins and took the hay ride. We went back home through Ellijay where we stopped and got some fried apple pies and apple fritters because you can never have too much sugar when you've got 3 kids in the back of a van.

Saturday my sister and the kids took Katie Bell to get her ears pierced. It was all her idea and I tried explaining to her that it would hurt a little bit, but she could not be deterred. I knew in my chicken-ness that I could not take her and my sister jumped at the chance. So, while Brad & I went to a wedding, Shelley went to have metal things pierced through my childs ears. On purpose. Apparently, she did okay. Although there were waterworks despite her promise that there wouldn't be.

Saturday night the kids painted pumpkins and everyone spent the night at Granda & G Daddy's in anticipation of Sunday morning waffles and fried eggs & gravy. Also, on Sunday the kids drove the golf cart, went on a motorcycle ride compliments of Uncle Scott, and made and decorated fall-themed cupcakes.

Sunday night we had a hayride, bonfire, and marshmallow roast.

Shelley did an awesome post as well and it includes more pictures. If you want to check out her post. Go here. Her's is a lot more creative and funny, but I am weary and the creative juices have run dry this morning.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Great Debate......

and, NO, I'm not talking about politics here. Instead, I'm referring to one of those silly, long standing, disagreements between family members. Brad & I have positioned ourselves on opposite ends of the poles in regard to this particular matter and there is absolutely no budging either of us. I'd like to say that your responses in the comments would sway one or the other of us, but it's not very likely, as we are both of the stubborn variety.

Brad and I both like to play Spider Solitaire on the computer. Oh yes, we're a very exciting and productive pair. As with most things of this nature, Brad is very good at it. I am mediocre, but I manage to pull out a win fairly often. Brad is so competitive about it that he tracks his statistics. The stats tell you your winning percentage as well as the number of games in your winning or losing streak. When we first started playing, Brad would keep playing games until he won; not unlike when he first started playing sudoku and would keep playing games until he solved the puzzle in "x" amount of minutes. Personally, I think all that is ridiculous. And, it is now very clear where my son gets his competitiveness.

Now, Brad plays one game until he wins. Just this morning, I came downstairs and an un-won game was displayed on the computer. Teasing him, I asked him if he lost. To which he placed his sly grin on his face and confidently said, "I never lose." He gives me a lot of grief if he checks the stats and the winning percentage has dropped, which signifies that I have been playing. And then, he sets out to make it right again by sitting down to play (and win) until the percentage is back up near 100. I think this is borderline OCD if you ask me, but since I have so many OCD qualities in other forms, I shall not point that out........

The source of the debate is the use of the "undo" button. I tend to take after my daddy in this regard, who would NEVER look at the back of the book for his crossword puzzle solutions. He (daddy) claims that that is cheating. So, I use the "undo" button very sparingly. On the other side, Brad has "undone" so many moves at once, that I have asked him why he didn't just restart the same game. The reason? Because apparently, that messes up the statistics. Geez! Remember when I said Brad will play a game until he wins, that is exactly what I mean. He will undo and undo and undo until he figures out where all the cards are, and makes his moves accordingly. How could he be proud of a 100% winning percentage if he attains it like that? But, his argument is that if it were cheating, it wouldn't be allowed. Which, I suppose, is a valid point and is also my argument for using the undo button myself occasionally. The difference is the amount in which we use it. He also says that you should always play to win, and use everything in your legal power to attain victory. And, since the undo option is there legally, he asserts that he is playing the game the way it is meant to be played.

What do y'all think? Is it cheating to use the undo button occasionally? often? Is it best to use it until you win, or just chalk up your losses. We'd love to hear your thoughts and possibly clear up the great debate. But, as I said before, I doubt that either of us can be swayed! But, if you convince Brad that he is cheating maybe I can have bragging rights once in a while! I suppose that I can also undo until the cows come home, but I don't have the patience. Nor do I care what my winning percentage is. I play just to decompress.

What are your funny family debates? It might be fun to hear that we're not the only ones with crazy/funny arguments.......and probably more fun to hear what they are.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Our week

I am SO glad it is Saturday night. Saturday night means the week is almost over. In fact, we just have about 4 hours left of this one; and believe, me I'm very happy to rip these days from the calendar. Our week has been busy and challenging.

On Monday night, Bryce had a football game and got to play against his best friend. Bryce had his best game so far, with 3 solid tackles and 3 more close attempts. Sadly, we still lost, but you can really tell that the players are improving. So that was fun!

**************Before the big game*************

Tuesday, I did our monthly grocery shopping that morning and Bryce had Karate that afternoon. Also, on Tuesday we had the privilege of taking a meal to a couple at church with a newborn. Sara Kate went with me and was allowed to hold cute, little Andy with my help. She thought that was the berries. Unfortunately, on my way home I was the lucky recipient of a ticket. My offense? I wasn't buckled. That. Is. All. You would think that the kind sir would have just given me a warning since I wasn't doing anything else wrong (like speeding) but warnings for me. So, if you live near me, they mean it when they say, "click it or ticket" the tune of $15.

Interestingly enough, Bryce understands my pain all too well. Wednesday he got in trouble at school. Now, it's nothing major or I wouldn't be broadcasting it all over the internet. Each day, in his "take home papers" there is either a happy or sad face to indicate his behavior. Bryce has NEVER had an issue until this week (it was bound to happen sometime). Wednesday, he received his first sad face. But, the funny part of the story occurred when we were discussing what happened. Bryce was very aggravated because apparently the teacher usually gives warnings, and this particular time, she did not. So, Bryce reasoned that really his offense should have just been a warning (makes sense to me). Believe me, I understood very well (see paragraph above). He went on to say, "Mom, even God gives second chances." (tell that to the officer) Okay, so what was I supposed to say to that. Another lesson, learned the hard way I suppose (for both of us).

Thursday, Sara Kate and I did our usual running around which includes ballet and my allergy shots. We also had karate again that afternoon. Bryce received the invitation to test for his yellow belt on Tuesday. And, he was super excited. He has been asking me when he was going to get it. If you think of it, and don't think it's too trivial, please pray for him Tuesday afternoon. But, Thursday was also my anniversary (9 years)! Mom had called and offered to keep the kids so that we could go out (I love it when that happens, thanks mom & dad). So, Brad & I got to try a new restaurant in town. It was fabulous. My favorite was the lobster bisque. It has put Brad and I on the search (again) for the all elusive great bisque recipe (we've tried several).

Friday was just fine. We stayed in and didn't do anything or go anywhere.....well Brad cut the grass. But, we stayed home and did normal "home" stuff, trying to play catch up.

And, today we had a football game and a birthday party and a few other errands to run. One thing on the "to do" list was to get the B-man a haircut. While there, Sara Kate insisted on getting one too. I have been thinking of cutting her hair, but Brad said that he liked it long. However, she is a persistent little thing and she kept going to Brad while we were waiting on Bryce, saying, "Daddy, I want a real haircut." He relented, and we took the plunge and cut her hair into a cute little chin length bob. I think she looks darling, and I hope it will be easier. But, I'll let you judge for yourself.

Her birthday is in November, and she is wanting an American Girl doll. I think maybe we'll get her Kit, because now, they look a lot alike. Admittedly, this is not a great picture, it was taken after bath and before bed, and I didn't have the patience to really exert my photographic skill (or lack thereof.) Here is Kit. Don't you think they look similar?

I know most of this is mundane, and I'm sure most people have clicked away. Why, would anyone want to read a day by day account of my week. They wouldn't of course, But, I just thought our little "life lesson" about following the rules was worth sharing. And, I needed to throw in karate, and football, and new do's. So, there you have it. I'm off to soak in the tub! Wouldn't you?

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I've always wondered about the saying "the proof is in the pudding". I'm sure there is an explanation for it, much like there is a story about brass monkeys and being cold........but that's another post entirely. Anyway, in this case, the proof is not in the pudding it's in the video. I'm about to prove 2 things about my Sara Kate.

1. She couldn't be quiet if her life depended on it.......even when she's sleeping.

2. She can whistle and she doesn't even know it. This is going to be of special significance, since Mrs. Nancy reported that her prayer request tonight at church was to learn to whistle.

Don't believe me? Here's proof:

It is not the snoring that I find so significant, she comes from a long line of snore-ers. Apparently, yours truly could saw some logs when I was little, before I had my tonsils removed. (although I don't believe it, and they can't prove it) Bryce also used to snore obnoxiously before his tonsils were removed. And, Brad still snores enough to make me want to lovingly smother him with my pillow.....just kidding........kind of. But, it's the fact that she was whistling so well and so LOUD. We heard it from the other room. Bless her heart y'all....and the heart of those who live with her too.

Oh, and the background noise you hear is Bryce listening to Adventures in Odyssey as he goes to bed. He was in his room of course, but apparently we don't do anything quietly in this house. Yep, they're loud & they're proud!