Well, as most of you know, Mr. B started school earlier this month. He has done great and he seems to really like it a lot. Mom did okay until they moved Bryce's teacher and his class was separated out. When I got that news, I cried like a baby. I don't really know why, because when I was trying to delicately explain this new development to Bryce, he responded, "okay." And later, during devotions, when asked, "what made you glad today?" He responded, "that I get to go to Mrs. B's class." So, clearly, he took the news well.
As if that is not enough to get adjusted to, he also turns 6 this month (on 8/28). There is nothing that makes you feel like you're losing your baby like the 1-2 punch of starting school and turning 6. This, coupled with the fact that we signed him up to play football this fall, has done me in. He came home the other night from getting his uniform, and he was beaming from ear to ear; all decked out in pads from hither to yon. Can I just say there is something horribly wrong with a sport that requires you to wear more than your weight in protective gear? Bryce is tough as cobb and I don't think I'm all that over protective, but football is going to be a little difficult to watch.
Here are a few pictures from his birthday party Saturday night.
And, the final blow to this momma's heart is what he proudly came home from school with yesterday...............his tooth. His, FIRST missing tooth, and I wasn't there to witness or video. It had been loose for a few days, and GDaddy had even tried to pull it with string and, um.....pliers (he is GDaddy after all), but no such luck. Apparently, yesterday at lunch it just came out. Luckily, his teacher saved it for him so that he could bring it home. And, he had fun surprising daddy when Brad got home. But, that little smile of his is altered forever. It sure is cute though.
Had these things happened singularly, I think I would be fairly cool about the whole thing. But, wow, with them happening all at once this month it seems like he is just growing up. No wonder my chest has felt tight for the last 2 weeks. Please don't get me wrong, I'm tickled pink that he is loving school and I'm proud as punch that he is doing so well and all, but it does tug at my heart stings a tad. And, just to prove my point, I'm including this picure too.......Hello???? Need, I say more.......he didn't even have teeth in this picture.
Bryce, Mom and Dad are so very proud of you and we love you so very much!!
Jgen.Net/Roblox Redeem Hack Roblox
5 years ago
Ouch! you know, I will forever consider Bryce as one of my own. I am so thankful that we have experienced each milestone together. And yet, how in the world did we get here?? Our babies are supposed to be just that...babies! Well, at least when they grow up and move out, and we don't have their behaviors and milestones to cry about, we can cry together about our grey hair and failing bodies! ha!
My heart is hurting for you right now. First day of school, 6th b-day and first tooth, that is to much for any moma to have to go through all in the same month. I am praying for you sister.
Now, let's see-based on Tammy's comment-I'm already gray and have things that are failing on my body so that's just NOT fair!!! I have to deal with all those milestones and the other stuff, too-LOL!
I've been really silly about my kids growing up since last Spring. It's like it hit me really hard all at once. I just try and focus on every day. Instead of the "oh it's over". It's killing me that my baby is in preK. I've had a baby at home for 12 years...can you believe that?
Anyway, I think that you did have a little more than your fair share...a tooth, school and football! Just try to relax and if you can't-I'm sure Tammy and Eric have some of those pills that Eric took before Joey left. They'll probably be happy to share and you won't remember a thing...lol.
Well, just for the record, it's not any easier on Granda and G Daddy. Where has the time gone when we were just trying to keep him off the top of the house. I hear that country song in my head, "Your going to miss this, your going to want this back......". I sure do miss the days when he would snuggle up in my lap and his feet didn't drag the floor.
G Daddy and I are so proud of you Bryce, always remember we love you up, down, and alllll around.
Awww... you sure have had the one-two (three... four...) punch, haven't you?! Poor thing.
But, you just gotta love those toothless grins. :) Miss Savannah's got TWO loose ones in the front, just waiting to come out any day now!
Time sure flies, doesn't it.
At least he seems to take it all in stride. :)
I just hope I can be as strong as you when it is all happening to me.
Let us know when Bryce has a football game. We would love to watch one or two.
When my brother played football in the fourth grade. It was so funny to watch him. He played on Saturday mornings and would practice on Tuesdays well as time went by we couldn't understand why he wasn't getting better. At the end of the season, we found out that Whit had missed every monday night practice. I don't know what went wrong either Whit wasn't that great and they didn't tell him about mondays practice or it was to many days of the week for mom & dad & football.
Oh Well he never played again. Haha
Bryce will be great
Lacey H
OK... After reading your post AND the comments, especially Granda's comment, I am crying FOR you and WITH you! That IS so much to bear in one short, tiny month's time... Kindergarten, 6 years old, football, and the KICKER-- 1st lost tooth! WOW!!
The time DOES go by too fast and 'you ARE gonna miss this... you ARE gonna want this back'!!
Praying for you to have the strength this week that all mommas have deep in their being! Also, letting you know that it is OKAY to cry, bawl, if you have to... get it all out and then move on being the strong, loving, wonderful, fantastic, godly momma that you are-- never let them see you sweat! :)
Love you girl,
Oh, and PS: That baby picture did me IN!! I was only shedding a FEW tears until that pic and then it was a WHOLE BUNCH MORE!! :)
Did you blink? I heard that is all you have to do and then they are starting school, loosing teeth, turning six and just growing up in general. I just thought about blinking and 6 months has already FLOWN by.
LOL! We would be glad to share the meds! Just promise me you won't put yourself in a crowd of people and get all mushy and stuff!
Wow - that sure is alot to handle in such a short time! On the bright side - there are so many more things to come --- wait --is that the bright side???...well, just let's take it one day at a time!
Happy Birthday Bryce, congrats on your first tooth, glad you're enjoying school, and good luck with football - whew - hope that covered it all!! :)
Wow, it literally makes me teary to see those pictures. He and Sara Kate are growing up too fast! He's turning into such a little man and is absolutely precious. I know that "precious" isn't a manly term but oh well. He's my only "nephew" and I just can't believe that he's 6 already!!! Happy Birthday Bryce!
Aunt Jen
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