Monday, November 26, 2007

"Always a Day Late & A Dollar Short"

Well, as usual I'm behind. I've been thinking about creating a family blog for a while now and just never got around to it. Recently, after viewing a few of my good friends, the blogging bug bit me. Even still, that was a week or so ago, and I'm just now getting to my first entry. At any rate, even a slow one, here it is. And, since I'm in the theme of playing catch up, I thought I would back up to the beginning of the season and catch you up on what The Farmer's have been doing this Fall.

Here are Bryce & Sara Kate at the beginning of Fall. This was taken at my parent's house. A few weeks later it was Halloween time and that means dressing up and carving pumpkins. Here are some pics of both.

I think those are award winning pumpkins. As you can see, Bryce carved while Sara Kate decorated. But if you think the pumpkins were great, check out the costumes.....

We went trick or treating with our good friends, The Hildebrands and The Chastains. From the left you have Little Bo Peep and her sheep, then Hannah Montana, and Nascar Man, along with a dalmation, SpiderMan and a Transformer. A good time (and much candy) was had by all.

Now, on an unrelated note.....

In keeping with the almanac theme of useful and interesting facts, I thought I might try to give you an interesting and/or useful fact each time I post. So, keep a watch and be on the look out for my "FUN FACT". And, also feel free to leave comments on your own interesting and useful facts.

My fun fact of today is very, very useful folks; and I discovered this just today. So, I'm anxious to share this with you. So here goes:

Fun Fact #1: Eating plain potato chips with ranch dip boosts your creative juices. Okay, so it may not be scientific, but it sure worked for me while I was trying to figure out what to say for this post.


Maddie said...

Love it!! I think the chip and dip fact sounds very scientific to me! In fact, I think I will have to try it out. :)